(A)sk the Father daily in prayer and He will answer.
(C)hrist must be the center of your life.
(D)are to be a Disciple of Jesus.
(E)ven you can make a difference in the lives of others by acting out God?s will in your daily life.
(F)riends are special gifts from God.
(G)ive to others cheerfully.
(H)armony is what you should strive for in your relationships with others.
(I)nterest in others will make you a broader minded person.
(J)udge others with love and compassion.
(K)nowledge and wisdom come from the Lord.
(L)ive in such a way that those who know you but don?t know God will come to know God because they know you.
(M)ake sure to always love others as Jesus does.
(N)ew life comes to you when you accept Christ.
(O)bedience of God?s will leads to God?s blessings.
(P)lease God in all of your actions.
(Q)uestion your priorities often. Make sure God always comes first.
(R)ead God?s word daily.
(S)hepherd?s protect the sheep, and I am grateful that the Lord is my shepherd.
(T)alk with God often.
(U)se your heart to show concern for others.
(V)ent feelings, but always with the love of Christ.
e(X)ault the Lord always!
(Y)esterday?s sins are already paid for by the grace of Jesus Christ.
(Z)eal in living my spiritual ABCs will help me grow in the Lord
Author unknown