'In the beginning God...'
And so begins the Bible. Moses is believed to have written the book of Genesis, the first book in the Bible. Like all the other authors God aided him rather generously in the work.
This study takes us through some of the principles and doctrines established in the book of Genesis. Many of these principles and doctrines are expanded in more depth in other books. Our introduction mentions the main characters.
Abraham, who had his name changed from Abram, is the first person to be called a prophet (Genesis 20:7). Abraham's main merit was his faith and not his strength of character. God called Abraham to leave his native land and go to a place he did not know, and so began his journey of faith. Faith is what we all need to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
Genesis 15 and 17 describe the covenant God made with Abraham. Abraham believed God and God counted it as righteousness. Our righteousness is still based on our faith in Jesus and not our works or deeds.
A little known fact about Abraham was his habit of digging wells (Genesis 21:2531). A picture of the river of life that Jesus spoke about (John 4:1314)
Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundred fold. (Genesis 26: 12) The spiritual principle of reaping what we sow is still with us today.
Intercession still plays a big role in the Christian life today. Intercession is wrestling in prayer. Intercession is as mysterious as a man wrestling with God and winning.
While Abraham dug wells, Isaac sowed and reaped a hundred fold and Jacob built pillars for God. (Genesis 28:18, Genesis 31:45). Pillars represented worship, sacrifice and remembrance (or witness).
Jacob's life is a clear example of the role we all have to play in fulfilling God's will for our life. Indeed we all need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2: 1213). If God could use a Jacob He can use you.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob stand unique in God's plan. Faith, obedience and seeking God earnestly sum up their lives lessons.
Only heaven knows how many Christians never fulfil their role in life because of their unwillingness to grow out of immaturity. Always wanting your own way, being stubborn or selfcentered are just some of the ways that our immaturity shines through.