| Author: Dele Oke Acts chapter 16 - questions for discussion
- What do we know about Timothy?
Acts 16:1-5, 2 Timothy 1:3-7
- Has the Holy Spirit ever told you not to do something?
Acts 16:6-10
- Do we always know the reasons for God's decisions?
- Should we obey God even when we do not understand Him?
- Paul and Silias sought, found and joined with the fellowship of other believers
Acts 16:13.
Should we make it our duty to fellowship with other Christians?
- Who benefits when Christians fellowship together?
- Does "fortune telling" please God?
Acts 16;16, Leviticus 19:26, leviticus19:31
- What was the "fortune telling girls" source of power?
- Are we to associate or seek comfort from the powers of darkness?
1 Corinthians 10: 20-22
- Was the "fortune telling girl" saying the truth about Paul and
- How long did the girl continue in following Paul and Silas?
Acts 16:18
- How did Paul deal with it?
Acts 16:18-19
- If we detect the voice (or activity) of the power of darkness in our life
should we tolerate it?
- What was the outcome of the girls unsolicited deliverance?
Acts 16:20-24
- What was Paul and Silas reaction to the negative (persecution) reaction?
- Do you remember to thank God in the mist of negative circumstances?
James 1:1-4