Have you ever been betrayed? Someone close to you was disloyal, your friend, a person you lest expected it from.
To be betrayed can be hurtful and naturally painful, but what is Gods response to betrayal?
Position yourself as a leader. You have a board of deacons whom have been with you for a long time. Then it is revealed to you that one of them will betray you. At that moment you are having a meal with them on the same table, eating with your enemy.
This is what happened to Jesus.
Have you ever thought of what other things could have happened when Jesus was eating with the disciple he knew would betray him? Various accounts of this incident can be found in Matthew 26: 20 - 29, Mark 14: 17 - 21, Luke 22: 21 - 23
and John 13: 21 - 30. Jesus could have threaten Judas or dealt with him otherwise but he did not. How exactly did Jesus respond? He told Judas the consequences of his actions and continued business as usual. The ordinance of breaking of bread was established there right in front of his enemy with all the emotions of being betrayed by a person close to him.
Our human reasoning cannot comprehend how Jesus responded, but one thing is sure. Jesus committed it into the hands of the father. 1 Peter 2:22 - 23 "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:"
Thank God for Jesus and the great example he has set for us. Do you feel betrayed? Forgive and commit yourself to him that judgeth righteously. Remember that Romans 12:19 - says ?Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head?. There is no point in trying to fight Gods battles.
You may not always be able to explain betrayal. Don?t blame yourself. Did Jesus not pray before he choose his disciples? He sure did. Rather commit yourself to him that judgeth righteously. Romans 8:28 - says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
In the time of betrayal, run to God, the rock of your refuge. He will protect you and guard your heart and mind. Don?t respond in the flesh but commit yourself to the bishop and shepherd of your soul.