Home > Talks > Seven tips for healthy living - spiritual growth
| Author: Dele Oke Seven tips for healthy living - spiritual growth
Growing up is something we do naturally and spiritually. Following are seven helpful steps to growing in our walk with the Lord.
Take time to meditate on each of them. They are points taken from a talk given. They have not been elaborated on but contain enough tips and Bible references to help you ponder and mediate on them all. Afterall, meditation is part of growing up
1. Keep your heart pure
- Proverbs 4:23
- bitterness and unforgiveness (a poisoned heart)
- gathered dust from disappoints and delay (a hardened heart) Like walking on ice.
- worship replaced with duty (nonchalant heart)
- Satan draws out and kindles the trash he finds raked up in the heart.
2. Beware of the presumptuous sin
- Psalm 19:13, David - 1 King 15:5
- There is no protection from the presumptuous attitude.
- Presumption breeds pride. Pride can make you a stranger
to the throne of grace. There is nothing more deadly.
3. Keep a worshipping heart
- Don't take the gift and forget the giver
- The ten lepers Luke 17: 11-19
4. Make room to meditate on His Word
- Peter - Matthew 16: 13-20
- You are the Christ, the Son of the living God
- Revelation comes by meditation
- Build firmly on the rock
5. Live by faith
- James 1: 5 - 8
- wisdom comes to those who trust Him
-Family, work and church
6. Satan has an interest
- Ephesians 6:12
- Satan's greatest prize is your faith.- Nevertheless he will settle for your testimony. watch out for his attacks. You have been warned.
7. Know your place in Christ
- 1 Peter 2: 4-10, 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4
- He loves you. He has put His love in you.
- Never forsake the two-level fellowship.
- We are being built up in mind and heart.