Acts 18
Priscilla and her husband Aquila were tent makers by profession. Paul the apostle, met them at Corinth.
Paul, worked with them making tents in between his preaching engagements in the synagogue. Perhaps you have heart the term 'tent making ministry. It comes from Acts 18 where Paul was making tents to support himself financially in the ministry.
Priscilla was no doubt talented in the secular world and also gifted by God in the ministry of the word. Her involvement with Paul must have helped her get rooted in the word. Priscilla and Aquila later followed Paul to Syria.
They all went on to Ephesus where they stayed while Paul went on to Caesarea. The people of Ephesus probably needed a lot of teaching of the word and this may be why Priscilla and Aquila stayed. These two were sound in the word. They had a ministry, which they were committed to.
Not all ministries have a large public face. Only few do. The majority of Christian ministry is carried out by a dedicated army of people like Priscilla. Teaching and exhorting small group of believers and unbelievers.
Priscilla and her husband knew their calling and stuck with it.
In Acts 18:24-26 We see them helping Apollos. Apollos was well grounded in the word himself. Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and taught him even more of the way of truth. Here is something to admire. People who know what God has called them to do and doing it rather than seeking something more grand.
Are you faithful in what God has called you to do? Maybe it's leading a small bible study group. Do it with all your might. You have precious souls in your audience. As you feed them with the word and encourage them in the faith you will give birth to more ministry. Priscilla was a spiritual parent. Mothering children in the Lord and raising up strong ministries. What a call. What a blessing.
1. What was Priscilla and Aquila's profession?
2. Did their professional job hinder them from working in the ministry?
3. How can those of us with secular jobs get more involved in God's vineyard? Give some practical suggestions?
4. What is commonly known as 'tent making ministry' today?
5. How can we become spiritual mothers and fathers?
6. What practical steps can you take to get rooted in the word?